"We're living in an aha moment. Take 250 years of human ingenuity. Add abundant fossil fuels. The result: a population and lifestyle never seen before. The downsides weren't visible for centuries, but now they are. Suddenly everything needs rethinking - suburbs, cars, fast food, cheap prices. It's a changed world. This book explains it. Using politics, psychology, and history for attitude, Eyes Wide Open shows how to see the principles driving events and attitudes, from vested interests to denial to big-country syndrome. Here's the briefing you need to comprehend the twenty-first century"--Back cover.
Content Note
Noticing -- Optical illusions -- The essentials -- My town/your town -- Perception -- Vested interests -- Common sense -- Out of sight -- In the now -- Backstory: The oil embargo -- Defense mechanisms -- Denial -- Projection -- Regression -- Systems -- Democracy -- Capitalism -- Backstory: Ozone -- Attitudes -- Science to the rescue -- Never retreat -- No limits -- Losing control -- Backstory: Kyoto -- Eyes abroad and ahead -- Conflict -- Chindia -- Fixes -- Coming soon.