Comprises short sketches of the lives of African-Americans who made significant contributions in the arts, politics, sports, and religion, among other fields.
Content Note
Ira Frederick Aldridge, Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), Richard Allen, Charles H. Alston, Marian Anderson, Maya Angelou, Caesar Carpetier Antoine, James Lafayette Armistead, Louis Armstrong, Crispus Attucks, James Arthur Baldwin, toni Cade Bambara, Benjamin Banneker, Edward Mitchell Bannister, Imamu Amiri(Leroi Jones) Baraka, Claude Barnett, Richmond Barthe, Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett, James Pierson Beckwourth(Beckwith), Mary Jane McCleod Bethune, Jesse Binga, James Hubert Blake, James Bland, Arna Bontemps, Edward William Brooke, Gwendolyn Brooks, Ralph J. Bunche, William Warrick Cardozo, William H. Carney, George Washington Carver, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Alice Childress, Joseph Cinque, Justine/Madame Bernsard Couvent, Oliver Cromwell, Alexander Crummell, Paul Cuffe, Countee Cullen, Ulysses Grant Dailey, Angela Yvonne Davis, Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr., Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr., Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Martin Delany, Dean Charles Dixon, Frederick Douglass, Charles Richard Drew, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Katherine Dunham, Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable, Edward Kennedy ("Duke") Ellington, Ralph Waldo Ellison, Mari Evans, Lillian (Madame Evanti) Evanti, Medgar Wiley Evers, Jessie Redmon Fauset, William Flora, Charlotte L. (Mrs. Francis J. Grimke) Forten, James Forten, Sr., Timothy Thomas Fortune, John Hope Franklin, Henry Highland Garnet, Marcus (Mosiah) Garvey, Arthur George Gaston, Charles S. Gilpin, Nikki Giovanni, Archibald H. Grimke, Alex Palmer Haley, William Christopher Handy, Lorraine Vivian Hansberry, Roland Hayes, James Augustine Healy, Sally Hemings, Matthew Alexander Henson, Lena Mary Calhous Horne, Langston Hughes, Richard Howard Hunt, Zora Neale Hurston, Lemon Jefferson, Charles Spurgeon Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, John Harold Johnson, James Earl Jones, Scott Joplin, Barbara Jordan, Percy Lavon Julian, Ernest Everett Just, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Luther King Sr., Thomy Lafon, Nella Larsen, Lewis H. Latimer, Theodore K. Lawless, Huddie Ledbetter, Canada Lee.